Πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Φλωρεντία στις 16-18 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 με τη συμμετοχή του Δημήτρη Τσουκαλά Αντιπρόεδρου της ΟΤΟΕ και Αριστοτέλη Λάκκα προέδρου του ΙΝ.Ε./Ο.Τ.Ο.Ε., διεθνής συνάντηση στο πλαίσιο ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος που συντόνισε η FΙΒΑ: "DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERTISE FOR THE SOCIAL DIALOGUE IN THE EUROPEAN CREDIT SECTOR: THE NATIONAL COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS OF ITALY, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE AND SPAIN IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE START OF A PROCESS OF CONTRACTUAL INTEGRATION AT A EUROPEAN LEVEL" , με στόχο την ανταλλαγή εμπειριών κοινωνικού διαλόγου στον τραπεζικό κλάδο στις χώρες που συμμετείχαν στο πρόγραμμα.
11,00: Introduction and welcome to foreign trade union delegations.
11,30: Presentation of the project.
12,00: Report: ""The Italian credit sector in the last decade: reasons and numbers of a predictable crisis, the restructuring of the sector and the role and importance of the union" (Fiba-Cisl).
13,00: Lunch.
14,30: Report: "The Italian national collective agreement of the credit sector: ways and tools of social dialogue, ways of representing workers, contractual levels and autonomies, joint commissions, observatories and procedures of negotiation" (Fiba-Cisl).
15,30: Coffee break.
16,00: Report: "The Italian national collective agreement of the credit sector: the structure of wage and working time" (Fiba-Cisl).
17,00: Closing.
09,30: Report: "Ways and tools of social dialogue in the national collective agreements of the credit sector: ways of representing workers, contractual levels and autonomies, joint commissions, observatories and procedures of negotiation" (Ffsbsf-Cfdt, France).
10,15: Report: "Ways and tools of social dialogue in the national collective agreements of the credit sector" (Ver.di, Germany).
10,45: Coffee break.
11,15: Report: "Ways and tools of social dialogue in the national collective agreements of the credit sector" (Otoe, Grecia).
12,00: Report: "Ways and tools of social dialogue in the national collective agreements of the credit sector" (Fes-Ugt, Spain).
13,00: Lunch.
14,30: "Times and perspectives for contractual integration of national collective agreements in the European credit sector", round table with:
Fiba-Cisl, Italy;
Fes-Ugt, Spain;
Ffsbsf-Cfdt, France;
Otoe, Greece;
Ver.di, Germany;
UNI Europa Finance Secretariat (UNI role and initiatives in the European finance sector);
Dr. Donata Gottardi, professor of labour law at the University of Verona ("Current and future European laws and directives about ways and forms of representing workers, bargaining powers, rights of information and consultation of workers");
Moderator: Paolo Giammarroni, head of Fiba Information and Communication Department.
16,00: Coffee break.
16,30: Continuation of round table: "Future union joint initiatives and cooperation".
17,30: Closing.
09,30: Report: "The national collective agreement of the credit sector: the structure of wage and working time" (Ver.di, Germany).
10,15: Report: "The national collective agreement of the credit sector: the structure of wage and working time" (Otoe, Greece).
11,00: Coffee break.
11,30: Report: "The national collective agreement of the credit sector: the structure of wage and working time" (Ffsbsf-Cfdt, France).
12,15: Report: "The national collective agreement of the credit sector: the structure of wage and working time" (Fes-Ugt, Spain).
13,00: Conclusions and final greetings.
13,30: Lunch.