Πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Ρώμη την 16/6/2003 με τη συμμετοχή του Προέδρου του ΙΝ.Ε./Ο.Τ.Ο.Ε. σδ. Αριστοτέλη Λάκκα, συνάντηση του Executive Committee των Eurocadres (Στελέχη Ευρωπαϊκών Επιχειρήσεων) με θέματα ημερήσιας διάταξης, τις ευρωπαϊκές εξελίξεις στον χώρο των διευθυντικών στελεχών, ερευνητικά προγράμματα που αφορούν το χρόνο εργασίας καθώς και την προετοιμασία της επόμενης γενικής συνέλευσης και του συμποσίου που θα πραγματοποιηθούν το Σεπτέμβριο του 2003.
1 Opening:
· Agenda
· Minutes of Executive Committees 18-19 February 2003: approval
· New members in Executive Committee and Presidium: replacements
2 European developments
2.1 Follow-up EU Presidencies: Greek Presidency
2.2 Information on recent European developments
2.3 European Employment Guidelines (EGL) and Broad Economic Policy Guidelines: High Level Group
2.4 Skills and mobility - Education and training - Recognition of qualifications and diplomas: recent developments
2.5 Engineers: International Conference Copenhagen-
2.6 Researchers: follow-up EC communication
2.7 Universities : EC communication on the role of the universities in the Europe of knowledge
2.8 Recent national and European sectoral developments: including EMF-congres, UNI-congres, EMCEF-project, … (please, prepare a presentation from your country, if interesting)
3 ETUC Congress: important trends and main results; EUROCADRES’ involvement
4 EUROCADRES activities
4.1 Closing accounts 2002 : balance sheet and audit report 2002
4.2 Conferences 2003: 29-30/09/2003
· General Assembly
· Celebration of 10 years EUROCADRES: 29/09/2003
· Conference REM: manifesto on REM
4.3 working time survey: follow-up in different countries
4.4 Enlargement: EUROCADRES’ development in acceding countries
4.5 Projects EUROCADRES:
· Online Networking and Training for Mobility Advisors: meeting in Paris (2-3 june 2003)
· Innovative measures concerning the anticipation of change particularly in connection with company restructuring, mergers, takeovers and relocation: role of P&MS: involvement of EMCEF and EMF
· Development of MOBILNET in the acceding countries
4.6 Internal issues: any others
5. Any other business