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Uni Europa P&Ms World Conference Committee


Πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Nyon (Ελβετία) στις 8 και 9 Νοεμβρίου 2004, με τη συμμετοχή του προέδρου του ΙΝΕ/ΟΤΟΕ, συνάδελφου Αριστοτέλη Λάκκα η 2η Παγκόσμια συνδιάσκεψη Στελεχών  της Uni Europa για τα διευθυντικά στελέχη. Τα κύρια θέμα ήταν: "

  • Work without frontiers - global production networks

  • Flexibility and mobility of P&MS around the globe

  • Maintaining employability and adaptability

  • Global mobility services for P&MS

 Στη συνεδρίαση συζητήθηκε μια σειρά από θέματα που επισυνάπτονται μαζί με σχετικά υποστηρικτικά έγγραφα.


Monday, 08 November

10.00 - 12.30

UNI P&MS Steering Committee/Drafting Committee

12.30 - 13.15

Lunch for Steering Committee members

13.30 - 14.00


John Vines, President P&MS World Committee

Philip Jennings, UNI General Secretary

14.00 - 14.45

Report on activities

Gerhard Rohde, Head of UNI P&MS

General debate, Q&A

14.45 -15.15

Tea break

15.15 - 17.00

Professional and managerial staff in the global network economy

Presentation of the background report

  • G. Rohde, UNI

Offshore outsourcing: OECD study

Desirιe Van Welsum, OECD, France

Boeing a global company - challenge for engineers

Charles Bofferding, SPEEA, USA

IT and BPO services in India: organising IT professionals

Amar N.H., ITPF India

General debate, Q&A


Tea Break

17.30 - 18.45

Employability and Adaptability of P&MS

How unions in Europe help the employability and adaptability of P&MS

Jean-Paul Bouchet, CFDT-Cadres, France; President UNI Europa P&MS Committee

Unions responsible for members’ careers, not just their jobs

Adrian Askew, Connect, UK

Supporting employability of professionals through  e-learning

Magnus Midtbφ, FLT, Norway

Maintaining the value of older professionals

Ib Oustrup, IDA, Denmark

18.45 -19.15

Presentation of P&MS web pages

18.45 - 19.15

Drafting Committee


Reception hosted by UNI

Tuesday, 09 November


Quality of leadership in the network economy: the work of the Nordic P&MS

Lone Petersen, FSU, Denmark

The African Network for P&MS (French)

Pierre-Louis Mouangue, SYNACOM, Cameroun

Trade union rights for P&MS: APRO and Singapore

John de Payva, SMWWU, Singapore

P&MS work in Brazil and UNI Americas

Agamenon Oliveira, FISENGE, Brazil


Tea break


Knowledge management: how to pass on tacit knowledge

Christer Forslund, SIF, Sweden

Professional Ethics for Engineers

Ilona Mδenpδδ,IL, Finland

Performance appraisals and pay for P&MS

Agnes Tolmie, UNIFI, UK




Organising and servicing P&MS Interest groups - a way to reach out to P&MS

Dina Affenzeller, GPA, Austria

Organising freelance professionals in the Netherlands

Martin Spanjers, FNV Zelfstandige Bondgenoten,

Combining Organising and Servicing: Approaches for P&MS

John Vines, President P&MS World Committee

15.30 - 16.00

Tea break

16.00 - 17.00

UNI Passport: where do we stand - where do we go

Introduction: G. Rohde

17.00 - 17.30

Priorities for future work - commitments by affiliates - commitments by UNI



End of the 2nd UNI P&MS World Conference


Preparatory meeting for 4th Engineer World Conference

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