The EQUAL Initiative is a laboratory for new ideas to the European Employment Strategy and the Social inclusion process. Its mission is to promote a more inclusive work life through fighting discrimination and exclusion based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. EQUAL is implemented in and between Member States and is funded through the European Social Fund . Thousands of DPs , selected by the Member States, are networking at national and European level. More than € 3 billions is devoted to fighting against discrimination in the labour market, within a specific regulation framework.
Transnational Development Partnership (TDP) Life & Work is composed by 4 national DPs from Spain, Poland, France and Greece, which are running national projects under the axis 4 of EQUAL ‘’Equal opportunities’’ Measure 4.1 "Reconciling Family & Professional Life".
Our common interest is to experience an intermediate methodology to foster employment and professional development chances for women through the implementation and improvement of support and training services in the project working regions. This methodology will include specialized assistance tools in the field of conciliation and equality and specific sensitising actions regarding “Reconciling Family and Professional Life“ addressed to population in general and to specific stakeholders in our societies.