Prediction mechanism for professional development and qualification in banking effective use in vovational training actions and collective agreements(PREMEQ) (1998)
PART ONE: Presentation of methodology Danielle Capliez - Almut Dieckman, Centre de Formation de la Profession Bancaire I. Description of the Method II. Creation of a competencies guide 1. Defining the fields of knowledge and know-how 2. Description of these fields 2.1. The twenty fields (knowledge and know-how) 2.2. Description of the fields 3. Definition of the skill levels for each field of activity 3.1. Six levels 3.2. Study of the skill-reference system 4. Establishing the fields of activity and levels, and applying the criteria to two specific job descriptions 4.1. Position: Branch Manager 4.2. Position: Teller/Cashier 4.3. Evaluation: Position Branch Manager 4.4. Validation - Position: Teller/Cashier III. Evaluation of potential changes in the future 1. Definition of the evolution factors 1.1. Evaluation factors 2. Impact of evolution factors on the different areas of activity 2.1. Evolution factors Economic and institutional 2.2. Evolution factors - Technological 2.3. Evolution factors - Social and Legal 2.4. Evolution factors - Commercial IV. Procedures 1. Training 2. Staff Redeployment V. Conclusion Annexes
PART TWO: A supportive algorithm of the prediction mechanism Kostas Liapis, Bank of Piraeus I. Brief description of the mechanism to be developed II. Algorithm
PART THREE: Usefulnes and ways for its development by the negetiators of the parties involved Vassιliki Georgakopoulou, Special Consultant to OTOE 1. Object - Usefulness 2. Basic Developments in the Baking System 2.1. General Developments 2.2. General trends in employment in the Banking sector 2.3. Content of labour, terms for professional evolution and development 3. Institutional framework for collective bargaining and agreements in the sector 4. Strategies and axes for Collective bargaining in training 4.1. A general picture on vocational training in the Banking sector - The Greek experience 4.2. Axes for negotiation on isues of vocational education and training 5. Potential contribution by PREMEQ - Fields of application 5.1. Sectoral bargaining - Development of a sectoral Employment Observatory 5.2. Preventive Management and Human Resources Programming 6. Preconditions for the application of PREMEQ by enterprises in the sector